Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Building Her Nest

I've always heard about kids building a nest of their favorite things in their beds at night. To some extent, Ella has been doing this for a long time with an assortment of babies or the favored stuffed animals of the day. However, recently, I think she has officially started building what I can only call a nest because of the random assortment of junk she includes.

It's not only her bed she builds the nest in. If she comes to our bed in the middle of the night, she brings her nest with her. I've known this, too, but I didn't realize the extent of it until I pulled back the covers of my bed the other morning and found the following.

A sippy cup of water
Two slippers (Not so unheard of if they had fallen off her feet during the night, but no, she brought them from her nightstand, where I had put them at bedtime.)
A stuffed animal
A picture of her friend, Brooklyn
A baby doll
A strip of plastic tile floor out of the dollhouse

I don't know what logic she applies in deciding what goes to bed, but I know she has a reason for all of it. I know what happens if I try to move any of it out of the bed.

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