Monday, March 14, 2011

Family Foto Fun

Luke has finally solved his combined problem of being basically immobile and having malfunctioning "go go gadget arms." No longer does he have to worry about being stranded, unable to reach his toys - I present you with his newly improvised, rolling wagon of fun (courtesy of Grandmother). It even comes with a readily available napping surface, of which he is known to take advantage.

Ella requested a walk yesterday afternoon and she wanted Luke to ride in the wagon with her. I packed them both in there, her in the seat, him in the bottom with a Boppy wrapped around him. It must be quite relaxing to ride along, watching the clouds, listening to plastic wheels on the pavement, with a nice, spring breeze on your face, because approximately 10 steps into our walk, he was passed out cold. Today he's making the rounds at Grandmother's house with all of his things in reach.

Oh, and Ella sends her love as well.
This is the second "hand kiss" I've received from her today. The first happened when I dropped her off this morning. She was quite disgruntled by the Daylight Savings Time wake up and she told me she was going to be ugly today. I told her that was fine as long as she went to her play room to be ugly. She then told me, "I'm going to time out!" I said, "Okay, but give me a bye kiss first." She efficiently kissed her hand, patted my cheek, and passed me by on the way to time out. I guess she needed a break before she got started with her day. I know the feeling.

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