In random order... Dave was the Salutatorian of his class, so he had to give a speech at graduation. The picture isn't great because the lighting in there was BAAAAD - at least for my little camera. :) We wrote the speech on the way home from Auburn Saturday night. I say we, because he spoke and I wrote notes in the dark. :) It was a great speech, and he did a great job with the delivery.
I have no pictures of him accepting his diploma because it happened too quickly. Sorry.
This is Dave and his friend Ric, after the ceremony.
This picture was taken before the wedding Saturday evening. I insisted on it because we had not had our picture made together since our wedding. Plus, I love the dress and he looks so handsome all dressed up. He didn't like the tie very much, but it was coordinated to match my dress. ;)
The is the back of his gown with the fun hood attached. Purple is the color for law degrees, yellow and black are the school's colors, and the tam and style of robe denote a doctoral degree. That's right, he's a doctor now. :)
This is the picture I made him pose for with the plaque he received from the banquet Friday night.
To recap, we went to the annual awards banquet at The Club Friday evening. He found out then that he was the Salutatorian and received a plaque for that honor. He also found out he would have to give a speech at graduation on Sunday. Despite the time crunch, he was excited about it. Thank goodness, I would have been a wreck. :)
Saturday, we took Georgia swimming at the park because we all needed some exercise. We left Saturday afternoon for Auburn to attend a wedding. Dave's college roomate got married, and they had a great ceremony and party afterward. I wish we had been able to stay the night, but we had a speech to write and a graduation to attend. On the way home, he wrote his speech.
Sunday morning, we went to graduation, and everyone loved the speech. Then we had lunch afterward with the families, and dinner at Daddy's Sunday evening. Then we crashed. I'm still tired. Mondays suck. :)
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