Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday, EGR!

Today is Ella's second birthday. When I told her Happy Birthday this morning, she asked me, "Where's my party?" Grandma sang Happy Birthday to her on the phone, and she asked me after we hung up, "Where's my birfday cake?" She totally gets birfdays. The party and the cake will happen tomorrow morning.

I am working from home this week (thus the blog posts), so she and I just put together her first present. It's not from Dave and I, but I don't care since we've been in this house together all week and she really needs something new to occupy her while I work. When Grandma called, she told me to go ahead and give her their present, so now she's playing with a fancy new pirate ship water table. It's cool; it even has a battery operated fountain, which she doesn't care for right now because it doesn't have batteries yet and it's just in her way. We'll rectify that after we go to the store later today.

Dave and I are giving her a grocery cart with groceries and a cash register. She does love to go grocery shopping, and she was so cute driving that little cart all over Big Lots last weekend, so we went back and got it. She told me a couple of days later that she wants the grocery cart for her birthday. I'm sure we will be seen in Pugix (Publix) in the near future with a 2 year old pushing a bright red shopping cart. The most interesting part will be filtering the things she wants to buy when it's time to pay; the child is a serious shopper.

Anyway, Happy Birthday, my sweet little girl!

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