Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Around Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving break officially ended today when I carried my screaming preschooler up the stairs and out to the car. As I struggled with the kid in my arms and the tantrum raging in my own head, a single sentence broke through the madness.

"I'm just gonna stay home and work with you today."

I was so glad I didn't unleash my tongue on him.

I worked from home yesterday because he had a doctor's appointment (incidentally, he's grown 2 inches in about 2 months). He thought I was staying home again today, and he had plans for a leisurely breakfast at Daddy's new desk in the basement while he watched 1960's episodes of Batman on YouTube. And, he didn't want me to go. And, I didn't want to leave him. The end of vacation is hard.

Here are some things they said last week.

"Jake just asked me, "Where is Batman?" He was totally talking about Luke." - That's a text I got from Aunt Becca. Jake is Robin. Luke is Batman. Every minute of every day.

"He's mean to me in line, so I'm not gonna marry him." - I wasn't aware that she was already looking for a husband, but apparently one little boy in her class has been definitively disqualified.

When we have a fire on the back patio, the kids like to throw leaves on it to make it flare up. After doing this for about ten minutes, Ella  headed for the back door. I asked her where she was going and she told me, "I need some hand sanitizer. My hands smell like forest."

We were discussing our plans to take the monkeys to see Free Birds, and Ella chimed in to remind us: "We know turkeys aren't free birds. Because we just kill them for Thanksgiving." She tells it like it is.

Luke: My tummy hurts.
Me: What does it feel like?
Luke: (thoughtfully) Cheese.
Some questions are lost on three year olds.

When Dave complimented his full Batman costume before church one morning, Luke informed him: "Batman's not cute."

This Batman is pretty cute.

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