Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Green Eggs and Ham

We had our first literary - science experiment over the weekend. Dave and Ella have been reading Green Eggs and Ham lately, so she requested green eggs and ham for lunch after church.  We made a stop at the grocery store for ham and food coloring, then we got to it. Here they are. Interestingly, I had to add a few drops of yellow food coloring to the green to get this color. The green coloring alone made them look teal.

Green eggs and ham

I was going to mix the ham in the eggs so it would be green, too, but she just wanted regular ham. Dave couldn't believe I could eat green eggs because I have issues with food not being the color it's suppsed to be, but he didn't know that this wasn't my first round with green eggs and ham. I did this experiment myself as a kid, so I'd already dealt with most of my problem about eggs needing to be yellow. I did have a brief moment of squeamishness as I put the first forkful in my mouth but I got over it because green eggs are just as yummy as yellow ones. Given the fact that Ella ate three plates full, I think she enjoyed them, too.  We also had to read the book while we ate.
Ella - She will eat them with a book.

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