Monday, September 06, 2010

Where are your nipples?

If my precocious two year old happens to ask you this question, please gently remind her that nipples belong under shirts unless they are feeding babies. Because she will ask to see them.

I thought the biggest theme of conversation when we brought Luke home would be about penises, but I was wrong. We've had two nonchalant conversations about testicles that went something like this.

EGR: What's that?
Me: What, poop?
EGR: No, what's that on his bomom (bottom)?
Me: Oh, his testicles. They are part of his boy parts.

Then she moved on. Nursing and nipples is quite a different story. The day he was born, she was in the room when the lactation consultant visited us and helped me get Luke to latch on the first time. As soon as the lady left, Ella started the running dialog about nursing Big Baby from her nipples and pulling up her shirt to show us. Frequently, she asks where our nipples are and wants to see them. Even Georgia's nipples are a point of curiosity. When she started asking people outside of our household, we started explaining that nipples are for feeding babies and when they aren't feeding babies, they belong under our shirts because they are private parts. She gets it, but curiosity gets the best of her sometimes.

I had some worries about her reaction to my nursing Luke because it's not been too long since she was a nursling. The day we came home from the hospital, she asked to nurse and I let her try. She didn't remember how, and my willingness to let her try was enough to satisfy her. Now, she has embraced the fact that babies drink milk and regularly tells me when he cries, "You need to give him milk." Last night, I was sitting in the bathroom floor nursing Luke while she played in the bath tub. It wasn't long before her plastic dolphin toys needed to nurse from her nipples. I just tell her it's great that she nurses her babies because mommy's milk is good for them.

The H. Luke Update
It's been a week since we went to Children's and I think he's finally getting back to normal. We had some really tough days with gas and diaper rash after all the antibiotics they pumped into his little body, but today has been much better. To my satisfaction, I did manage to swaddle him tight enough to calm him and get him to sleep decently last night. This is something I've struggled with since we came home with him because he is so strong. The kid scoots away from me while I'm changing his diaper and clamps his arms down to his sides when I try to change his shirt. It's amazing. He has rolled over one time, completely on accident, but that was before he was a week old. He lifts his head now and looks around for familiar voices. This morning, EGR and I gave him his first cooking lesson. He sat in the high chair with us while we made eggs, sausage and French toast. So far, he's pretty laid back most of the time.

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