Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ever Changing, Always Growing

This pregnant body is an interesting thing. Last Friday, I wore my regular jeans modified with a rubber band (because while they fit, it was uncomfortable to button them). Sunday, I tried to wear the same jeans, and the wouldn't even zip! Two days, I tell you, and now I'm wearing maternity pants full time. I guess it's really more about the hips than the belly though, because the same maternity pants were still too big a week ago, and now they stay up with no trouble. I knew my hips had started spreading when I put on a pair of regular dress pants two weeks ago and they split when I squatted down. :) My butt doesn't seem bigger (though I admit I may be delusional), so it has to be the hips.

I walked Georgia last night for the first time in WAY too long, and it felt weird in my belly. It's starting to protrude and feel heavier all the time. I walk around all day long, but going for a walk for the purpose of exercise was different. I really need to make that a regular habit again so that I'm not completely exhausted just from walking around with a giant belly. Oh, and it definitely won't be long before I can't stand in the shower and shave my legs because my belly is in the way. I realized last night that I was already having difficulty with that task - when did that happen?! I'm just amazed at how fast some of these changes happen!

I'm still waiting on that burst of energy that's supposed to come in the second trimester. I'm beginning to think someone made that up to encourage pregnant women to survive the debilitating fatigue of the first trimester. I'm not exhausted like I was then, but I've had no super energy for anything. I was planning to use that burst of energy to scrub my house, but at this rate I better just suffer through it and then have a nap. :)

Dave has been having sympathy symptoms, though I'm not sure he's totally bought into the idea. He says he's gained weight (I can't tell it) and his feet are swelling and hurt all the time. He's been sleeping hard and fast, which is virtually unheard of for him. He goes to bed when I do and gets up with the alarm in the morning, and he's usually a nighttime wanderer.

I'm also still waiting to feel this baby moving - though probably not as patiently as before. :) Dave was leaning his head on my belly the other day and I asked him if he heard anything in there. He tilted his head like he was listening, then yelped and said, "It grabbed my ear!" He's crazy and I love him for it. It made me laugh and laugh. He's really good at that.

His parents have bought our crib and changing table, and it should be delivered next weekend. This is somewhat inspiring me to clean the house and start working on cleaning out the baby's room. We need to add some shelves and move some stuff out of there to figure out where to put the baby furniture. It's very early still, but I feel like time is flying by and I don't want to be caught unprepared.

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