Monday, January 05, 2009

Hello 2009

My new year officially starts today with my return to real life (i.e. back to work after my Christmas vacation). It was hard leaving the Little Lion at Grandma’s this morning. I have had so much fun playing with her for two straight weeks. She’s becoming a little girl right before my eyes.

Dave and I celebrated New Year’s Eve on Eastern time. At 10:47, he was one-eyeing the TV and I asked him why he didn’t just go to bed. He was waiting for the ball to drop at 11:00. I think we were in bed at 11:03.

New Year’s Eve 2008 was brought to me by the number 2.

Two is the number of times Ella fell of her little desk and hit her head on the floor.

Two is the number of times I bandaged Georgia’s foot and cleaned blood off the floor.

Ella and I were trying to nap when Dave came in to tell me Georgia’s foot was bleeding. I managed to extricate myself and leave Ella napping on the couch so I could see about the hurt paw. She must have cut it on something, and it was bleeding with every step so there was blood all over the living room carpet and the bathroom rug. Dave and I wrestled her to the floor so I could clean and bandage it, and in the midst of that the phone rang and woke up the baby, who started screaming. Getting the foot bandaged became a family affair as Ella had to be there to see what I was doing. Georgia is doing better, but she was styling with a pink baby sock for a couple of days just in case the cut opened and started to bleed again. The basement carpet still has blood on it, but I’ll get to that later.

Ella fell off her desk the first time because she sneezed and lost her balance. Of course I was across the room and didn’t have a pillow behind her. The second time, she leaned too far to reach her fuzzy cow and fell onto the pillow, and rolled onto the floor. It was a two inch fall, but it scared her. A little nursing fixed that right up.

We don’t believe in resolutions anymore, but we do usually set some financial goals for ourselves. We met our goals for 2008, and set a rather aggressive one for 2010 – contingent on both us remaining employed for that time, of course. I don’t discount the importance of tithing in our financial success. God’s math is always better than mine.

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