Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 26 - Mess

Dave often encourages behavior that leaves me, as the mother, torn between stopping it and throwing my hands up while letting the fun continue. This is one of those things - times 2.

He asked them, "How do the piggies eat?" They showed him without a moment's hesitation. This was before he showed them his most beloved Christmas movie of all time, so they did it without even having the Christmas Story reference. I was equally horrified and amused at their eating like pigs and that he showed them the movie.

They loved it, of course. The first night, I fielded 284 questions about bullies and licking frozen flag poles, but since then, they ask him to turn it on every time they go downstairs with him. He loves having someone to share it with, as I've only just started tolerating the movie. I hated it when I was little - because of the bully and the flagpole licking and the mean Santa.

It also led to a good conversation with Ella when she asked me, about the bully, "Why does God make bad people?" I explained as plainly as I could that God made us with free will and that we are all sinners - we all do bad things. Sin separates us from God, but God wants us to be with him, so he sent Jesus to die on the cross for us. Jesus paid his life for our sins so that, if we love Him and ask Him to live in our hearts, we can live in Heaven with God after we die. It's not the first time we've talked about this, but it is the first time she's asked me to explain God in terms of something she views as negative. I hope I didn't make a mess of it.

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